Actually, there was a small mistake in the subject of this blog, because there isn't really a secret in great inbound marketing – other than ensuring the right people see your content at the right time!
Inbound marketing is all about your prospects finding you, which means that it’s important that...
Keyword Stuffing
A huge mistake made by marketers, business owners and bloggers every day is the practice of stuffing irrelevant keywords (keyword stuffing) into web pages and articles in an attempt to dominate Google search for particular search terms.
You need to know that Google’ has grown very wise to this practice,...
So what does Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) give you?
SEO utilises modern search engines (such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing etc) to increase the visibility of your website or individual web page which in turn ensures that your potential customers find your website rather than your competitors when they are searching for a solution you provide.
Don’t forget your keywords in your Social Media
Most webmasters and (hopefully) all internet marketers know the importance of properly understanding keywords for website ranking, but that nugget of knowledge seems to be forgotten when thinking about and posting on social media channels.But the keywords are king rule is as equally important in...
3 minutes to a better website
There are a couple of things that websites MUST DO.
Visitors MUST be able to understand instantly what products/services you provide.
Visitors MUST be able to find products or services to buy from you.
Visitors MUST be able to understand your value proposition
Choose a...
Old skool SEO still works
Matt Cutts and the team at Google have had a lot of press lately about how SEO should be done; a lot of people took some of Matts comments the wrong way and seemed to suddenly stop wanting to do any old school SEO in fear that Google would find out and deindex their website or pages.
Matt was only...
SEO benefits of Social Media
Most businesses now recognise the fact that social media doesn't necessarily directly lead to a sale, but I know for a fact that it can help that sales process; instead most big businesses now look at social media as having SEO benefits and allowing their website and webpages to gain better rankings...
SEO techniques you should NEVER try
We all make mistakes, but if you end up making a mistake of your SEO then it could really start to ruin your business.
Many businesses, including some top international companies, have fallen foul of Google Webmaster Guidelines and have been penalised by being removed from Google index.
Google has...
Best Practice SEO on a budget
Many individuals and smaller businesses don’t have a budget for SEO work, but if you plan to do your own SEO then all it will only cost you is a little bit of time and effort.
Here's some thing you want to get done:
The first step is to think carefully about how potential visitors are...
Online Lead Generation – Great Follow up Strategies that WILL lead to sales
OK, so your generating sales leads online, but it’s not working as well as you would have hoped! What’s going wrong?
Well if you want your lead generation efforts to generate decent sales, you need to build a robust lead follow up system.
Ideally what you want to achieve is for your lead follow...
Online Lead Generation Magnet
Why a magnet?
By its very definition, a magnet is something that attracts objects – in this case we want to attract leads.
There is a vast amount of traffic online, and what every single website wants to do is pull that traffic it into their website – but online traffic management mustn't end there!
Get Engaged, Socially Engaged!
Without a shadow of a doubt, a business that is socially engaged online will always get more business than the ones that aren’t; even if they only generate a little more traffic, it’s traffic that they wouldn’t have got otherwise.
But social engagement is more than just generating traffic; it’s also...
Is guest blogging really dead as Matt Cutts suggests?
Matt Cutts recently mentioned on his blog suggesting that guest blogging (the practice of providing a blog post to a site with the ultimate aim of getting a link back to your website) was dead.
In his post he actually says
“Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links...
SEO for YouTube
Putting video onto YouTube is very simple to do; getting people to watch the video can be a little tricky.
You could help yourself my making your video easier to find through Google or YouTube search, here are some of the techniques you could try to get your video to the top of the rankings.